
When you purchase a product from us, or when we send you a new release of a product, you receive a permanent authorization code . Here we describe how to determine the information you must give us in order to receive a permanent authorization code and how to determine if the permanent authorization code you have received is correct for your installation.

Permanent Authorization Code

The overwhelming majority of licenses purchased from us are System Wide Licenses. The other possibility, a Partition Only License, is described at the end of this section. For a System Wide License, the permanent authorization code is specific to a Serial Number, a Processor Group, and our product's Release. For a Partition Only License, the permanent authorization code is specific to a Serial Number, a Partition ID Number, the partition's Maximum Processor Capacity, and our product's Release.

Permanent Authorization Code Data Elements
Element System Wide License Partition Only License
Serial Number required required
Processor Group required ignored
Gumbo Release required required
Partition Number ignored required
Processor Capacity ignored required

In all cases, our permanent authorization code is specific to the system serial number and the release of our product. The IBM i release never makes a difference.

To determine the serial number, processor group and release of our product installed on your system, run:


Lines 3 and 4 of the resulting panel show the serial number and processor group of your system The release is listed as License Term:

                         Work with License Information                 GUMBO5
04/06/16 18:08:32
System serial number . . . . . . . . . : 1234567
Processor group . . . . . . . . . . . : P10
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add license key 2=Change 5=Display detail 6=Print detail
8=Work with license users ...

Opt Product Term Feature Description
2A55DCR V1R9M0 5001 Dicer - Gumbo Software, Inc.
2A55RDA V3R3M0 5001 Report Designer - Gumbo Software, Inc.
2A55RM1 V2R5M0 5001 Report Manager - Gumbo Software, Inc.
2A55SAM V2R8M0 5001 Spool-a-Matic - Gumbo Software, Inc.
2A55SM1 V3R1M0 5001 SpoolMail - Gumbo Software, Inc.
2A55SM2 V1R8M0 5001 Gumbo Mail - Gumbo Software, Inc.
2A55XL1 V2R1M0 5001 Excel-erator - Gumbo Software, Inc.
Parameters or command
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Display Usage Information F12=Cancel
F17=Position to F23=More options
(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1980, 2013.

For a Partition Only License, the permanent authorization code depends on the Partition ID Number and maximum processor capacity. How you determine the number and processor capacity of partitions on your system depends on whether or not you use HMC (Hardware Management Console) or SST (System Service Tools) to manage your hardware.

If you use HMC (Hardware Management Console):

  1. Go to Systems Management: Partitions task » Partition Properties » Hardware » Processors.
  2. Read the Processing Units, Maximum: value.

If you use SST (System Service Tools):

  1. Start system service tools by running:

    STRSST Enter

  2. After entering a Service tools user ID and Service tools password, select the option to Work with system partitions.
  3. Select the option to Display partition information.
  4. Select the option to Display partition processing configuration.
  5. Note the Partition ID Number and Total Processor Maximum.
                   Display Partition Processing Configuration
System: GUMBO5
Number of system processors . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
Number of available system processors . . . . . . : 0
Size of system main storage (MB) . . . . . . . . : 4096
Size of available system main storage (MB) . . . : 0
Interactive feature available . . . . . . . . . . : 0 %
Partition ----------Total Processors----------
Identifier Name Current / Pending Minimum / Maximum
0 PRIMARY 1 / 1 1 / 1
1 SECONDARY 1 / 1 1 / 1

F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print F10=Main storage
F11=Display allocated I/O resources F12=Cancel

Note: A Partition only license is not valid for a machine with only one partition.

Note: Our product's algorithm checks the permanent authorization code against the Total Processors Current (aka. Assigned) value. If the maximum configured is larger than the license, the algorithm will grant usage as long as the current configured is within the license's limit, and will issue a warning.